I look forward to my birthday more than I look forward to Christmas, or summer, or the day all my kids are potty trained. Today is a cool, crisp, sunny day, and there is freshness in the air. Summer is gone and I am wearing socks again. New fall fashions abound, and school provides me with a refreshing break during the day.
I am light on my feet.
I am light in spirit.
My birthday draws out the happy drunk uncle in me – the one who embraces everyone in a big hug and blesses them for being alive, who raises a pint in honor of friendship and then sobs uncontrollably while chanting, ‘I love you, man!’ I am always and forever grateful for my friends, and nothing brings out that gratefulness more than remembering the day many of those friendships began – which was 17 years ago today.
I am thankful today for all of my friendships, for each person who adds so much to my experience, for each comment I hope for on my blog, for each ass-kick I receive in loving rebuke. I could not be a mother without you. I could not be a wife without you. I could not be a writer without you.
And now I’ve done it: tears, snot, and contorted face – I’ve gone and made myself cry.
I look forward to raising a pint in your honor, my dear friend.
Happy Birthday, Cyber-Friend (oops…typed Cyber-fiend the first time!).
Have a drink on me (just set up a Pay Pal account and forward me the bill for reimbursement!)
you big sweetie! Happy birthday! So excited to celebrate with you.
I thought of you and sent off a card – just know you were/are in my thoughts. In reading your blog, especially your last one, all I could think of was … You are a hopeless — I don’t know how to name it. But whatever you are feeling, or believing, or exulting about, or Lord knows – ranting about, you are a HELPLESS VICTIM (not hopeless) of your feelings at ALL ranges of highs and lows. It’s a miracle to me – and a thankful relief, that you survive all the high highs you soar to, and survive the low lows. You have learned amazing coping mechanisms and have such durable, love-you-no-matter-what kind of friends. And your dear LUV, Bryan, not to mention your adorable kids are such positives in your life. So this is just to say I’m celebrating your life today too, Jen. BTW, your Mom just called; she and Jody are on their way to Waseca where my Beth and I will meet them to share vacation pictures (Yes, I know Marge took her Older Daughter!), laugh, enjoy the food and culture of the State Street Bistro, and drink – ahh, coffee!!
Have a great weekend, Mary Lee
Wow. Nothing like family to give you such LOVING encouragement. On your birthday–in addition to being so grateful for all of us amazing people who put up with you (wink)….I want you to know that you are such a great woman. Your humor and joy and emotion and love and creativity and willingness to bare it all–add depth and joy to this life. I am so thankful to our Lord Jesus, that we all met so long ago and have had the beauty of journeying together. Blessings.
Happy Birthday, Jen! Hope you had a wonderful, wonderful day….all kinds of happy and peaceful wishes for the year ahead!
hope you had an amazing day!!!