I must be crazy.

Gamma with Ruthie and the newly born larvae.

I swore I would never take my kids on an airplane again after this memorable trip. But I suppose that’s a lofty promise to make when both sides of your family are on opposite ends of the country.

A couple months ago my sister, who lives in Iowa – four hours from my mother, called to say she had an idea that she wanted to ‘just throw out there.’ At that moment I knew her idea involved me and an airplane. She was sending two of her kids out here to visit our dad, she said, and was planning to hang out in Minneapolis while they were out here, she said, and wouldn’t it be great if you and the kids could visit Minneapolis while I’m up there?

Hell no, was my first answer. She had asked me too soon following the Great Airplane Barfing Incident.

But lo, when family calls one must consider an answer beyond Hell No. So today I am not only boarding an airplane with my children, but I will be outnumbered by them, as Bryan will not be joining us.

I really must be crazy.

Blogging is Boring When Life is Good.


Life seems uninteresting these days from a blogging perspective, though it is FANTASTIC from the survival aspect. I’ve said this before, but it’s easier for me to write about things I’m complaining about or struggling with. Depression? Martial strife? This is the stuff great stories are born from – the setup, upset, reset. When was the last time you saw a movie about a really happy guy that led a really happy life and nothing tragic or embarrassing ever happened to him?

Without the torturous confusion swirling around in my head I have to shift gears – I don’t need the introspection so much anymore. Nice things happen to me every day. Funny things happen to me every day. I am surrounded by nice people and good vibes. And the beauty is, I can see that now.

In my recovery group (I have that anger thing, remember?) we were recently talking about things we were thankful for, and things we’ve been ungrateful for in the past, and for many of us the same things were on both lists. How messed up is that? My daughter is amazing, and smart, and tenacious, and I oppressed that in her because of my own selfishness and lack of patience.

When I started this blog my step-dad was dying, I was pregnant with a son that would carry on his name, I didn’t like my husband very much, and life looked a little bleak. Hence, The Pile I’m Standing In.

I still stand by the name and the reason behind it, because this life will always be a pile to trudge through. But lately I have been able to see more of the joy that comes with living this life.

Ruthie is expressing herself more these days. Whenever we leave a friend’s house, she is quick to announce, “I HAD FUN PLAYING WITH KIDS, MOM!” She has a thankful heart. She finds joy in everyday things.

She is a good mentor.



Tonight the kids and I dropped Bryan off at the airport, and I cried all the way home. Not because I felt overwhelmed at facing another week alone with the kids, but because I. love. Him. His smell, his humor, the way he looks in those cargo pants… I am missing him. Who knew that I would feel such aching desire just two months after feeling like this? I really thought it couldn’t happen, but it did.

Better Off Abstinent

Fat Free Cheese

I grew up in Minnesota, the Land-O-Lakes, Dairy Country, and neighbor to the Wisconsin Cheese Heads. Asking me to cut down on my cheese consumption is like asking a Packer fan to hug a Viking.

It’s not going to happen.

So in order to accommodate my need for cheese AND my desire to continue the decline of my pant size, I purchased a package of fat free shredded cheese.

At first I didn’t notice a significant difference. I was just happy to still be eating cheese and not have it take up half my calorie allotment for the day. But today? Today I was in need of some comfort. You know how it is: the gray, the drizzle, the cozy jammies. These things all add up to NACHOS!

So I laid out a modest portion of chips, sprinkled on my fat free cheese, loaded it with green onions and tomatoes to help fill it out, and popped it in the microwave.

Oh. My. Gosh. Fat free cheese is dead.

It does not melt. Its lovely orange color turns gray and pallor when warmed. It tastes like cardboard. I’m not sure I could ever look at another shred of fat free cheese again.

Forgive me, Wisconsin, but your skinny cows have issues.

The Post Wherein I Describe Everything I’ve Done This Week All At Once Because I Have No Time.


Ruthie now thinks all daddies take airplanes to work. She asked me that when her little friend left the other day and she asked if he was going home to see his daddy. I said his daddy was probably at work, but that he would see his daddy later. And she said, misusing her pronouns in the cutest way, “Her daddy take an airplane to work, too?”

On Wednesday the kids and I drove up to the Tulip Fields as I’ve done almost every year since I can remember, with only a few exceptions. We drove up in two car loads of four moms and six kids, ate a picnic lunch, and let the kids go wild in the dirt. You can see proof that boys will be boys here (pardon the sideways video, I haven’t had time to figure out how to rotate the image). This is the first time I’ve ever gone with other kids Ruthie’s age, and they were a fun little gang of toddlers to watch. Every time Nor said, “COME ON, ROOFIE!” I just wanted to pinch her, she was so cute. They are all such good friends when they’re not hitting each other or pulling hair. You can see all our Tulip Adventures here.

I rode up there with a good friend who has neither a computer nor access to the internet, so I can blab about her all I want on this blog and she’ll never be the wiser!

The guys finished most of the work downstairs, so I’ve been painting. Which is why I have not been writing. Can you even comprehend how difficult it is to paint WHITE primer on top of WHITE drywall mud and wall texture??? At any rate, the painting is slow going because on my shoulder is a muscle knot the size of a grapefruit. After about an hour my arm hurts so bad it radiates to my neck and head and I can’t move my arm or open my eyes. I’m beginning to wonder if we should have just paid the guys to paint as well. If you’re curious, here is what the room looked like before I started painting. We now have new windows around the entire basement!

I will now leave you with a Dora reference. Today at lunch Ruthie was muscling her way in to Bryan’s hummus, using her grimy fingers instead of anything like, say, a snow pea or a carrot. Finally Bryan says to her, “Hey Swiper, no swiping!”

Ruthie stopped and just looked at him. Blinking, I suppose, just like Dora might have in such a situation. Then she says to him, “No, I’m Ruthie.”

She’s a literalist to the end. That’s my girl!



Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about lies and sneaking and how it’s become second nature to me.

My first memory of lying happened before I even started school: my mother confronted me about the crayon marks she found on the washer and dryer. She must have asked me who had done it, because I remember blaming my brother who was about 17 years old at the time. Not exactly the demographic for coloring on the appliances.

I suppose it’s not unusual to react by blaming someone else to get out of a pinch, but lying and hiding has become as necessary to me as breathing.

When I was fifteen I was busted for shop lifting. It was very 21 Jumpstreet, even down to the undercover security agent chasing me all the way through the mall. At home, when my parents asked me to present everything I had ever stolen, I came up with one tape and one book from my collection, though I had hundreds of dollars worth of stolen possessions.

When I was sixteen I let my friend drive my step dad’s Toyota pickup truck because she was better at using a stick than I was. At a stop sign she hit a patch of ice, slid through the intersection, and hit a parked car. I told my parents I was the driver.

In high school I lied all the time about boys, and where I was, and what I was doing with them. I once told my mom I was going to a friend’s house, but my boyfriend picked me up around the corner. When my mom confronted me later because that friend had called the house, I told her she must have called when I was on my way home.

I used to house sit for my neighbors across the street when they went to their cabin. She would leave me wine coolers in the refrigerator, and they had a king sized water bed. My boyfriend would park on the next street over, spend the night with me, then go to church with my mom and I the next morning.

There are literally ENDLESS stories like this from my childhood, but I’m starting to feel gross admitting it all out loud.

But lo, there is more: I’ve taken the lies with me into my marriage.

A couple years ago I made a banking error that caused several overdraft charges that I hid from Bryan. After Thomas was born I forgot to pay our life insurance premiums, and I hid the cancellation notices from him. And just last week I discovered a bill I forgot to pay, but failed to mention it when he came home from Palo Alto.

These mistakes were easy to fix, but they snowballed in my silence. Bryan spent HOURS on the phone trying to resolve my banking error, and we had to reapply for our life insurance. Had I just admitted my error at the time I discovered it, my husband would have a few less gray hairs.

This is as far as I got in my thinking. I can’t really unpack my theories behind why I do this. My day doesn’t allow me the time to think through that, much less write about it.

But these are all my confessions.

Things That Warm My Heart

At the Zoo

I feel so recharged right now.

By the time Bryan gets home on Thursday nights I’m so exhausted from the week that I collapse into bed and nearly fall asleep before he does. (I say ‘nearly’ because I swear he’s half asleep by 9:30 regardless of where his physical body is located. Actually lying down is just a technicality.)

But on Friday mornings we all sleep in, Bryan makes us breakfast, and we get reconnected as a family. Fridays are becoming my most favorite, and cherished day.

This afternoon I had the added bonus of taking Thomas with me to run a few errands while Ruthie stayed home with Bryan. He’s an easy-going kid so I was able to browse through belts and car seats and craft supplies without feeling rushed or distracted. When we got home I felt energized and rested. It was good to get out.

Bryan’s travel schedule has in some ways been difficult on our family, but I am not nearly as overwhelmed as I thought I would be. Thursdays come quickly, and then the weekends seem endless. I think we’re finding that good balance between enjoying one another and Getting Things Done.

What I struggle with most is the selfishness I feel with my time. Since we no longer have stolen moments of snuggling or smooching or conversing or any other every-day thing, I sometimes want to draw the wagons in around my family during the weekend. But we have family, and events, and a tight community of friends, and we enjoy all of those things. I think over time, as his travel schedule loosens up and we continue getting into a groove, this will all work itself out.

I am completely in love with my husband, and I am so grateful for all the ways he loves me and cares for me.

Basement Remodel Saga: Part III – The Insulation

Installing the insulation.

The guys put insulation in all the walls and the ceiling yesterday. We wanted insulation not only to make it warmer, but to help muffle the sound between the basement and the main floor. It’s exciting to see this project coming together, and I’m looking forward to the end of today when they’ll have most of the drywall up!

Things That Make Me Say, “OUCH!”

After returning to The Greatest Chiropractor in the World a couple weeks ago, I had several blissful, headache-less days, and full nights of restful sleep.

And then I rolled my ankle and fell on my ass.

Every vertebrae in my back felt compressed together again, and I was back to pain, stiffness, and uncomfortable nights.

The Greatest Chiropractor in the World squeezed me in on Tuesday morning, and I was in bad. shape. But by the time he was done I could move my head from side to side again, which means I can now safely change lanes and back out of a parking spot.

However, my problem spot between my shoulder blades was even more of a problem this time. In fact, the first time he tried to adjust it, I cried out in pain as he applied pressure. It never popped, and instead I felt like I’d had the wind knocked out of me. I’ve never had that happen to me before – no matter how jacked up my back has been, it’s always been adjustable.

I relaxed a bit then asked him to try again, but I was still too tense and couldn’t relax enough for him to pop it open. He tried one more time while I was in a standing position (okay, this is starting to sound a little naughty), and when that still didn’t work he gave up. He had me lie on my stomach while he massaged my back with a tool that looked like a power drill but sounded like an egg beater. After that I didn’t want to move I felt so relaxed.

So today my neck feels better, but back still feels tight. Anyone up for giving me a massage?

But what I’m REALLY saying is that I just finished off the chili cheese casserole before going to bed. Which is DEFINITELY more points than a yogurt.

The 'Before' Picture

Check this out, girlfriend! Go ahead, click on that picture to get a GOOD LOOK at the housewife who let herself go. This is my ‘before’ picture, and sweet moses I hope there will be an ‘after.’

(And while you’re gawking, take a look at those saggy jugs! Aren’t they horrible? They’re, like, resting on my stomach! Thank God for Isabella’s fondeling, because now my boobs are so perky in their new bras that they actually breathe a sigh of relief when they are set free to relax).

But I digress.

I re-joined Weight watchers last week, which is always an eye-opening experience for me. This is the third time I’ve used the program (only the 2nd time I’ve seriously tried), and I’m always surprised by how certain food choices affect the amount of food I’m allowed to eat in one day.

For instance, I always figured low fat blueberry yogurt was a good food choice for a snack, which it is compared to, say, a bowl of cereal (my favorite), but it uses 5 points out of 24 allowed for the day so I need to make sure all my other meals can accommodate a 5 point snack. Better snack choices that use only 2 points are carrots with hummus, or string cheese – both are yummy and filling. Also, I love sandwiches, and tuna is a great option for dieting when made with light mayo. However, a tuna sandwich on whole wheat bread is 8 points, versus a tuna WRAP made with a tortilla being 5 points. One choice means all I get for lunch is a sandwich, and the other choice means I can also have a piece of fruit or some cottage cheese and still come out at only 6 or 7 points.

All this is to say I’m currently struggling with my DESIRE to lose weight as it conflicts with my WILL to let go of favorite things. The other morning I had an omelet made with cheese, Canadian bacon, and egg whites, which is a great, filling breakfast for low points. But I also wanted an English muffin, which is only 2 points so that’s not so bad. The clincher is I LOVE real butter, and even a small amount of butter adds up to more points than the English muffin itself.

I need to keep reminding myself that Weight Watchers is a good exercise in discipline and perseverance. My eyes have really been opened to how much Bored Eating I do, and how easily I give in to my urges. When I’m hungry, the first thing I reach for is something comforting like cereal or nachos. And I graze. Oh, the undisciplined, gluttonous, grazing. When I eat balanced, filling meals, I’m not even hungry throughout the day. It’s only when I make stupid, points-eating choices like fattening salad dressing, or buttered toast, that I’m left feeling unsatisfied.

As discouraging as this first week has been regarding my over-eating, I’m chalking it up to a first draft which will continue to be edited as time goes on.

Ruthie at the Dentist

I shot this video of Ruthie at the dentist last week with my Canon digital Elph still camera, and I was surprised at the length of video it allowed me to record. The video file was too large to upload directly into YouTube.com, so I had a chance to experiment with the Windows Movie Maker program that comes free with Windows XP. I didn’t use all the fancy features, but I had fun exploring. The next time I’m scheduled to read at my church I’m planning to create a multi-media piece, and I think the Movie Maker program is user-friendly enough for me to do without Bryan’s help.

Happy Birthday to… me?


Thomas was born a year ago today, but I think the REAL celebration should be for ME. Think about it… he leads a blissful, ignorant life, pooping in his pants whenever he feels the urge, crying to get what he wants, sleeping 16 hours a day, having his meals spoon fed to him, etc. He’s essentially been celebrating his life ALL YEAR LONG.

Me, on the other hand, I’ve suffered hormonal insanity, weight gain, and sleepless nights.

I was thinking about this last night as Bryan and I drove home from downtown Seattle where we had dinner. It was about 10:30, which was shortly after we had checked into the hospital a year ago. I had started labor around dinner time and spent several hours shuffling in a figure eight around my dining table and through the hall like a choo-choo train with Ruthie shuffling along behind me as the caboose. Whenever I stopped to breathe through a contraction she’d exclaim, “GO, MAMA!” The Counting Crows played on the CD player all evening, and at one point when Bryan asked if he could change the music because he was tired of it, I declined his request. I had already entered The Zone, hypnotized by melody and song. Changing the music at that point would have broken my hypnotic state and tripped up my rhythm.

This morning I woke up at 6:30, remembering again that it was Thomas’ birthday. I had labored all night long, last year, which was a big difference from Ruthie’s labor that went all day. I was tired, Bryan and Alecia were tired, the staff was tired, and there was an eerie stillness in the room all night despite the soothing music and the whirring of the tub jets.

Thomas was born around 5 or 6am. He literally shot out of my body when I changed positions, and was caught by the labor nurse and my friend, Alecia. My doctor was called in after.

I remember shouting, “DID THAT JUST REALLY HAPPEN?”

He was beautiful and perfect, with blonde peach fuzz on his head and loooong narrow feet that curled like a tree frog.

He is still beautiful and perfect.

And he is a boy. He likes to punch his fist into the air above his head and voice a very Braveheart-like Yahw! And as he crawls, the volume and intensity of his Braveheart-like Yahw! increases as his speed of crawling increases.

It’s a mystery to me how I can love someone so intensely, even when he has caused me so much personal pain and discomfort. But I do. And I suppose that’s the Gospel. Love through, despite, and because of pain.