I bought the kids a “gently used” play kitchen from someone off Craig’s List because I was feeling their old one was too small and unusable. I’m sure the old one was fine, and I’m sure by purchasing this new kitchen the kids will simply have a much larger toy to ignore in the playroom, but I was becoming irritated that the old kitchen wasn’t very practical or realistic.
In reality, I’m living vicariously through my kids since we are not in a position to upgrade my own small and impractical kitchen right now.
Thomas is super excited about the new kitchen. Every time someone comes over he says in his extremely loud and extremely high voice, “Come see ow new kitchen!” He even extends this fantastic greeting to Bryan every night when he comes home from work. Explaining to Thomas that Daddy has already seen the new kitchen doesn’t seem to compute, because the Earth will stop spinning if you do not lay eyes on this new kitchen.