I am an awkward conversationalist in new settings. I like knowing people, but I hate meeting them. What’s to talk about? I usually resort to talking endlessly about myself, which is never fun for anyone… including me.
So at the KOMO blogger meetup I experimented. I wore my Stay At Home Blogger t-shirt in hopes it would help to break the ice and start conversations for me. And did it ever. I met some great new people, sent some business to BabyBrewing.com (the t-shirt maker), and may have even found a new web site to contribute to should I ever find the time to write something a little better than a shitty first draft (I will now sheepishly link to this embarrassingly positive review of The Pile I’m Standing In).
I asked my friend if she thought I should wear the SAHB shirt again to Ignite Seattle tonight. And she was like, Do you really want to risk forever being identified that way? And I was all, Good point.
At Bryan’s suggestion, I decided to wear last year’s Gnomedex t-shirt. I didn’t attend, but Bryan did, and noticed that Ponzi kindly had women’s sizes made. I predict this will be a big hit in starting conversations, as this year’s Gnomedex starts tomorrow.
Also, if you look closely you can see a cartoon image of Chris’ face in the design.
And I ask you, what girl wouldn’t want Chris close to her… heart?
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