On Being Good Enough – The Word Cellar
“I’m really not that good, am I? Isn’t that the question we all ask? Isn’t that the little voice whispering in our ears all the time? Nudging us right before we fall asleep, when we try something new, when we share our heart’s passion with others?”
Compromising with your kids – Organizing Junkie
“If she can keep the stuff in her room off the floor in some kind of orderly fashion (not just piled 10 feet high on her desk) then she can keep it, otherwise it has to go. Meaning I will remove it from her room and give it away. I’m nice like that :)”
This is basically what I do, but it’s nice to have some validation that I shouldn’t feel guilty about it.
Online Daily Bible Reading Plan
I found this RSS link through Writing and Living. I think I still prefer to hold the actual Bible in my hand when I’m reading it, but I figured somebody out there might appreciate the ability to read the Bible along with all their other feeds. You can choose from many reading different plans there.
Ben Folds in concert
Once again, I’m finding other ways to fulfill my need for eclectic musical presentation and excellent songwriting in the absence of a new Sufjan Stevens album (this summer it was Andrew Bird that that filled in the gap). I’m not sure what the Cat Woman is all about, and clearly the interviewer in the beginning has a grudge against Ben, but the pianos and the smoke and the choral style is stunning.
Thanks so much for the link love! And you’re right we definitely don’t need to feel guilty about it. The lesson we are teaching our kids is far more important.
Have a great weekend!
Just saw the link love. Thanks! 🙂