Grace Based Parenting – Practical Theology for Women
Wendy Alsup reviews this book by Tim Kimmel. Here is an excerpt of her thoughts:
In the first chapters of the book, I had to put the book down and repent, because Kimmel nailed me with his assessment of how many Christians parent—primarily out of fear. I realized that I was more afraid of Satan and the world getting their hands on my boys than I was confident in God’s faithfulness to finish the good work He has begun in them (Phil. 1:6). I had to repent. Then I had to decide if I was going to align my parenting philosophy with my theology. Did I believe God had a good plan for my children? Did I believe that I can trust God with their little hearts and lives?
Kimmel made another important point that challenged me on how I thought about parenting. I wanted to protect my children from outside influences that I feared would cause them to stray. However, my doctrine teaches me that the greatest sinful influence on my children is their own depravity. It’s the sin within them rather than the sin without that most affects them and which I need to parent them through. As Kimmel says on p. 24, “Raising your children in a spiritual cocoon won’t help because Satan operates INSIDE it. He appeals to your child’s heart.â€
Bumps, bruise, and uncanny inoculations – Zugito
Bryan wrote a great post reflecting on the challenging week we had navigating Ruthie through a conflict at school. I’ve thought a lot, lately, about how to blog about such things now that Ruthie is getting older. I have her privacy to consider, now, as she’s making friends and becoming more independent. I think Bryan’s post hits the right tone.
Where in the hell is Matt? – Matt Harding
I love digital art – video blogging, photo blogging, digital scrapbooking etc. The internet gives the ability for anyone to create and publish works of art, and this one is definitely worth seeing. If you click through to the Youtube page, you can click on ‘watch in high definition’ just below the video for a better picture.
Also, be sure to watch Matt’s Ignite presentation at Gnomedex on the making of this video. He makes a really interesting point about collaboration – that creating a video of himself (as he did in his first two projects) was not nearly as much fun as creating a video with other people. I think I have a new blog crush.
“Then I had to decide if I was going to align my parenting philosophy with my theology. Did I believe God had a good plan for my children? Did I believe that I can trust God with their little hearts and lives?”
Actually, I have a different way of looking at it, that always humbles me when I stop and think about it, and also puts things into perspective. Rather than thinking about “trusting God with their little hearts and lives”, how about thinking about the fact that God is trusting YOU with the little hearts of lives of His children?
Just came to me one day while praying – my kids aren’t my kids. I mean, they are, but they aren’t. Ultimately, they are God’s children, and he expects me to take care of them and teach them, and to never get in the way of His direct relationship with them, but rather to always make decision to help it grow.
Easier said than done, I know…which is why I try to keep it in the front of my mind rather than the back