I loved this post – Beware of the List – over at Writing and Living. I, too, am a non-list person surrounded by list people (*cough* Bryan *cough*). I could make a list all day long of what I need to do, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to look at it.
Seems to me like lists are best used by List People.
However, I’m turning into quite the List Hacker.
For instance, I use a daily Bible reading plan, but I’ve been working on the same one-year plan for three years now. It gives me structure, but I don’t obsess over it religiously.
I loved Staci’s book, The Organized Heart, because it reminded me that organization isn’t about making lists and following rules, but about worshipping God in everything I do.
Also read Bare Minimum Mode over at Conversion Diary about being intentional with your seasons of downtime. I get in this mode often, but I usually find myself here, rather than making a conscious decision to pull back.
When I’m in Bare Minimum Mode the priority tasks important to my family are: laundry, grocery shopping, and family dinner. The bathroom may be gross and the living room full of clutter, but by George we’ll have clean clothes and a hot meal.
What are your priority tasks when in Bare Minimum Mode?
I’m terrible at making transitions. I don’t know anyone who is, really. Are You Wearing Bungee Cords? is a great post about living in the moment and fully crossing the bridge into whatever is coming next.
Thanks for posting about Bare Minimum Mode. I’ve been feeling like I need to be there since #2 was born, but have a hard time feeling guilty for not getting back to “normal” – whatever that is. It’s nice to know other people (esp introverts) feel the same way I do.
You’re welcome!
I love the idea of putting boundaries on the time frame with clear expectations of what is/isn’t going to get done. Keeps the spouse (and myself!) from getting frustrated if everyone’s on the same page.