It’s the middle of the night and I’m catching up on some blog reading while watching my DVR’d shows. I don’t know why I continue to believe I am benefiting from this multi-tasking as if it’s somehow relaxing to be taking in two mediums at once – feeling simultaneously distracted by both and frustrated that I can not focus on the meaty-er parts of either one.
Much of what I read tonight inspires my own writing and my own faith journey, yet I am too exhausted from the information overload to formulate coherent thoughts of my own, which leaves me frustrated and definitely NOT relaxed. Often I wonder if my time would be better spent doing something else entirely, like reading a book, which I never consider doing with so much other stimulation to distract me.
ARGH! These bad habits are hindering my creative process and invading the Quiet Space I need to improve as a writer and a thinker.