I don’t feel like writing. When it comes to my creative process I tend to cycle through a create/consume pattern, and I definitely prefer to consume these days.
I just finished Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere – which I highly recommend – and picked up Confessions of a Shopoholic at the library today.
What are you reading these days?
Channeling my inner 15 year old:
The Hunger Games
The Book Thief
I am the Messenger
Shady Ladies (true stories of women who were ahead of their time. contrary to how it sounds, they were not all prostitutes–that would be sort of behind the times, I guess 🙂
The Irrational Season (L’Engle–one of her beautiful journals)
The Tipping Point (Gladwell)
Dating Jesus (Campbell)
And a myriad of children’s books. Pea is really into longer stories so we’re exploring The House at Pooh Corner, amongst other things.
I’m on Goodreads and I think it’s hands-down the BEST site for tracking books read/to read/reviews/authors, etc…