Baby Mine, by Rocks in my Dryer
I’ve been in a nostalgic mood lately, and this slice of life from Rocks in My Dryer hit me at just the right time. As my oldest gets ready for kindergarten and I begin the process of nudging my little birdies out of the nest, I needed to be reminded that all stages of parenting have their tender moments, even if wrapped in preteen silliness.
Jungle Beat Animation Shorts
I caught one of these animation shorts while channel surfing with the kids one Saturday morning – the one about the giraffe who bumps into the moon and knocks it out of the sky. My kids were in stitches. The animation is excellent, and the stories are entertaining and quirky. The DVD has an hour’s worth of five minute shorts. Sadly, Netflix does not carry this DVD, but Amazon does.
Don Miller and the Ride:Well Team
Remember that guy who wrote the book, Blue Like Jazz and To Own a Dragon? He’s riding his bike across America to raise awareness for the need in Africa for fresh water. When I watched the video on the homepage my first thought was, HOLY SHADOW OF YOUR FORMER SELF, BATMAN! Don’s lost a lot of weight, and he looks great! My second thought was, You go, Don. You can also follow his ride on Twitter.
Tweet What You Eat
Speaking of Twitter, Bryan sent me this link just yesterday, so I haven’t had a chance to set it up for myself. But what a brilliant idea! I’ve stalled after losing another eight pounds, and to be honest it’s because keeping track of my calories was bogging me down. I’m going to try this quick and easy way, since we all know how I heart twitter!
Use Literature Map to find that next great book
I always like it when something is functional and cool looking. I know there are many sites out there to assist in author “networking” to find books you might enjoy based on books you’ve previously read, but this one caught my attention. I entered author after author, just to see who else would pop up and how creatively they’d float around. I got this link from June’s Real Simple Magazine.