Saving your kids’ memories – reluctantentertainer.com
As a former scrapbooker turned digital media user, I don’t actually do a lot of scrabooking anymore, but I still want to create a physical space for my kids’ memories. This idea seems to take the time-intensive creative road blocks out of making these memory books, and is actually something I can sit down and do while watching American Idol in my dark basement.
Do you have a clutter cemetary? – clutterdietblog.com
Yeah. It’s the tiny spare room off the kitchen – the room we never use and I wish to be part of my kitchen! I think knocking down that wall would really solve my “clutter graveyard” problem, don’t you?
Eff It – Schmutzie.com
What an awesome post about finally letting go of all those unrealistic expectations we hold ourselves to!
Tell Stories – The Rabbit Room
A friend sent me this article. Stephen Lamb posits that while pulpit preaching has its place, God is often met through experience and story, therefor we all need to be aware of how we “preach” the gospel through the living of our lives.
Re the essay excerpt from Wangerin, Bryan says, “That essay by Wangerin is one of my favorites of all time on crafting a life of incarnational Gospel — always surprised by how little circulation it gets — and then am conversely surprised when I run into instances where folks think of it as important.”
Most Powerful Words: I need help – difficultseasons.com
It’s not difficult for me to ask for help – I do it all the time. I also love to help other people, but have learned that not everyone finds it as easy as I do to ask for help. So now I go looking for ways to help, knowing that not everyone will initiate with their need. But I love this article on asking for help – for those who find it difficult to ask, Jim gives you this awesome script:
Here’s a script where you can just fill in the blanks: “Hi. My name is ______ and I need your help. What I need help with is ______________. Can you help me with that?â€
I especially love the last link. Asking for help is a GIFT to the person you’re asking. You’re saying, “I respect you and NEED you.” Who wouldn’t want to hear that?
I think accepting help, even when you don’t ask for it, is equally important. One of the most profound places I saw this illustrated was when a client’s child was diagnosed with cancer. The father ended up quitting his job to stay bedside with their son (who eventually died). Both sides of the family sent them thousands of dollars to keep them going and although they technically didn’t NEED the money (her job kept them afloat), I urged them to keep it because of how much it meant to their families to give it to them in the first place. It was one small way their families could help. Sure, they hadn’t asked for it, but it made them feel like they were at least doing SOMETHING to help. People LOVE to help others and I think too many of us are reluctant to accept it, which is just silly.
Speaking of – thanks for your help with my book.
Thanks for the link, Jen, and thanks for the nice comment and extension, Amanda. It’s fun to see stuff you write spread around and built on.
Thanks for the shout out!