Book Update – Conversion Diary
A great post from another writer about finding time to write in the midst of Life: “…good writing is possible under all sorts of circumstances…”
Where the Wild Things Are movie trailer
YouTube won’t let me embed this in the blog, so definitely click through to watch it. I’m so excited! (And so is Thomas).
Seattle Needs 700 volunteers to help the homeless – Mars Hill Church
“teams of volunteers will be sent out to various parts of the city, and will speak with every person they meet to determine if they are homeless. If they are, the volunteers will ask them to participate in a survey to help the city understand their needs. Volunteers will need to commit four hours on the evening of April 13, 2009 and one hour of training prior to the evening of the assessment.”
Friend Jeffrey Overstreet partnered with others to launch this new blog – essays and discussions of “cinema off the beaten track.” Check it out!