Meet-Up for local This Pile Readers!

I’ve heard of other blogging groups getting together for meet-ups in the area, and thought it might be fun for the Friends of This Pile (heretofore called FoTP) to have a local Meet-Up as well! Are you interested? I’d love to meet you in person (those I don’t know already), and I think it would be fun for some of you to meet each other.

Here’s the info:
Thursday, March 29, 5-7pm in the Renton area.
If you would like to come, please email jen (at) zugbot (dot) com for the location.

I wish I had the creative energy to make this sound more exciting, thereby luring you all in. But I’m working through an anti-computer/pro-Getting Things Done phase, so this is what you get. Just the facts. Trust me that it will be fun, and if you’re lucky I might do some interpretive dance.

8 thoughts on “Meet-Up for local This Pile Readers!”

  1. Dammit! Not much chance of me making it to Seattle in the next few weeks.

    Sounds like an excellent idea. Maybe you can YouTube the videos of your interpretive dance?

  2. I would love to come, but unfortunately geography permits me from doing so. However, I will be in Seattle from the 3rd to the 17th September, so perhaps you could organize a second gathering around then. 😀

  3. I’m in! A chance to have a cocktail (hopefully) with Jen Zug is a red-letter day for me!

    At least I hope I’m in. I host a bible study at my house on Thursdays, but I can get someone to pitch hit for a special occasion.

  4. I’ll see what I can do….this sounds like so much fun and I’ll be sad if I miss it! Maybe we can get another Bellevue trip planned for that weekend, who knows? I’ll let you know either way soon.

  5. I am supposed to be in China that week but if I can, I’ll come and bring Christa (and her world) with me…it sounds so fun!

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