We spent our last day in sunny California riding Grandpa’s tractor, eating oranges off his tree, and visiting a petting zoo. It was seventy-five degrees.
We arrived at SeaTac airport after midnight, had to wait while the luggage carousel was fixed, and finally made it home just before 2am. As expected, it is raining in Seattle.
I’ve spent the day unpacking, buying food, washing clothes, sorting two weeks of mail, and shoveling a path through my living room. But I’ve also been mulling over the new year and its inevitable draw to set goals. I’ve been mulling over New Year posts by internet friends and putting some ideas in my pocket for later. I’ve been mulling over the last two years and where I am now compared to the disaster that has been my life.
When things settle down I will share. Because, you know, I’m sure you’re hanging on every word.
Three different places to celebrate Christmas Eve and Day this year with different parts of the family – all enjoyable with great food and conversation and now – just today – I am stashing and/or throwing the decor and hope I make the right choices to get my house back in order. Like your experience in arriving home from CA – reorganizing always follows a trip!! Thanks for the box full of great surprises for me and wonderful art and messages from Ruthie, etc. You know me well – soft, puffy slippers to put in the micro-wave to heat them up and then be REALLY cozy and warm!! Excellent idea!!