My girlfriends will be happy to know I had my wedding ring resized while on vacation.
They have been quite persistent that I wear such a beauty. And can you blame them?
I haven’t worn it since I was seven months pregnant with Thomas, when I became too bloated and chubby for it to fit comfortably. I just figured I would put it on again after I gave birth, like I did after Ruthie was born. But then the combination of anti-depressants and birth control and Thomas not really being into nursing and my consumption of a few too many whole milk mint chocolate lattes (among other things) meant the pounds did not come off within a couple months.
That was my excuse then. Three years later, of course, there really is no excuse. I am no longer on anti-depressants or birth control, so really what you have left is all those bowls of cereal I eat when the kids aren’t looking.
I considered waiting a few months before resizing the ring since I’ve established a good routine of working out, and have been more disciplined in my eating. But the truth is, I’ve really missed wearing it. I love it’s petite-ness, the delicate intricacy of the filigree, the unique cut of the sapphire – I’m very proud of it. And since it cost barely anything to resize (I had built it up in my mind as a major expense), I can just have it done again when the weight comes off.
Besides, I’m working on other goals for weight loss mile stones – like putting fuschia highlights in my hair.
It is gorgeous and I’m sure your husband must be proud to see that back on your finger again. What a very special gift!