I’m the mom who forgets she signed up to bring cookies on party day, and runs into Safeway five minutes before preschool starts for the privilege of screaming at her children to hurry up already.
I was also the mom who’s daughter brought Diego Valentines to preschool last year. Period. Because I thought when the flier said to bring Valentines, it meant to bring Valentines – NOT hand painted party bags with custom made stickers filled with homemade candy and cookies and tied with silky pink yarn.
Sheesh. Entering the school years is a whole new ballgame of peer pressure, only I have a calloused heart of cynicism on my side these days.
This year I was so proud of myself! In the spirit of maintaining, I added ‘cupcake mix’ to my grocery list on Tuesday, and remembered to buy frosting and sprinkles (Ruthie’s contribution to the party). Last night the kids and I made the cupcakes, and I had Ruthie sign all her Valentines with the letter R – the only letter in her name she can write at the moment.
Tonight we frosted the cupcakes and filled her goodie bags with jelly beans, a sucker, and her princess Valentines.
This Getting Things Done, this Being On Time, this Remembering to Follow Through thing is exhausting for sure. I mean, I’ve just spent two full evenings engaged with my kids when we normally flop in front of a movie. And Ruthie is so excited about her goodie bags she hugged me over and over before bed, and then came downstairs once, looked at the pile of bags on the table, and leaped into my arms one last time.
Valentine’s “Day” has been a three day affair, if you count the shopping – a big change from waking up in a panic at 3am the night before. AND I’ve had a great time with my kids.
I almost had an over-achieving moment when I realized I forgot to buy cellophane gift bags for the candy, and I was going to run to Target after 9pm and fill all the bags myself. But Bryan was like, Seriously? SERIOUSLY? So I improvised by lining regular ziplock bags with pink tissue paper, and stuffing those with the candy.
I think it says, “Fine, I’ll participate in your silly commercial holidays” without going over the top Martha Stewart. What do you think?
Frankly, I’m just happy I won’t be screaming at my children in Safeway tomorrow morning.
This year, both my kids schools had a Nazi-like “No Valentines at school” rule…which takes the pressure off but is kind of sad at the same time.