I finally came up with a theme for NaBloPoMo, and made my first post over there as a preview. Here is an excerpt:
Several ideas came to mind when considering what to focus on. I recently began a campaign to lose forty pounds and have been going to the gym four days a week. I bought a new Bible and thought I should try to read it every day and reflect on what it has to say. I thought I would slow the pace of my life down and spend quality time with my daughter, writing about the adventures we have together every day.
All of these things are important to me, but for reasons of practicality or sheer boringness to the reader, none of these seemed like the theme.
Then it hit me last night as I was soaking in a hot bath (all good ideas come to me at the most inconvenient times) that I should write about the Thirty Things I Love.
I’m pretty excited to embark on this adventure, and already have fourteen things on my list. I’m hoping it will establish a habit for me to see the joy in all things, even the mundane and frustrating.
Though I wasn’t thinking about this specifically when the idea hit me, I believe I was subconsciously influenced by the current sermon series at church, The Rebel’s Guide to Joy. Through it, I’ve been pretty convicted for being ungrateful and having a complaining heart.
great theme! Can’t wait to see what is in store…