Last night Bryan and I had the privilege of attending the launch party for Naked Conversations, the new book by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel. Knowing I was the non-geek wife who was about to enter a Den of Geeks, I brushed up on the recommended Survivial Guide Maryam recently published on her site. But just to be safe, on the way to the event I instructed Bryan that he was NOT PERMITTED TO LEAVE ME ALONE at any point during the evening.
Ironically, ten minutes into the evening I ditched him and found a group of ladies out on the deck, never to see him again until it was over.
I found Julie Leung, whom I had met at previous functions, and we had a chance to catch up with each other ‘offline.’ She introduced me to Liz Lawley and Anita Rowland and we enjoyed warm conversation about our children, work, and finding time to blog. Nabila Lacey (wife of Steve), a lovely, lovely woman with two children the same age as mine, joined the conversation as well.
Anita Rowland organizes ‘meet-ups’ for Seattle area bloggers, so perhaps I will drop in on the next one with my children.
I also met the wife of Ben Connor, though I am ashamed to say that after nearly thirty minutes of conversation about children, geek husbands, and her fascinating educational path toward a career in Genetic Research, I cannot remember her name. I am so sorry your name slipped my mind, but know that it was fun talking to you.
It was nice to finally meet Maryam Scoble, whose blog I follow. She has such a warm and inviting presence about her, such a hospitable personality — the perfect complement to a man whose very public career requires many events, gatherings, and opportunities for networking. Her devotion to him makes him shine.
Here is a photo of Bryan and I at the event.
Here is an article about the beautiful home we were hosted in (thanks to the link by Steve). While Bryan geeked out with his tech friends, I ‘geeked’ out over beautiful woodwork, grand staircases, and ancient wisteria vines.
Thank you to the Scobles for inviting us to share in the celebration of your accomplishments. We hope to see you again soon.
It was so nice to meet you and Bryan. Thanks for coming and thanks for the wonderful write up. Ben’s cute and lovable wife’s name is Kimberly Sacha. You should join our Divas Book Club and then you can see us at least once a month.