One more about the bloggy giveaway…

Yesterday’s post was a bit hasty, and I forgot something very important: Thanks to Jeffrey Overstreet for signing a book for this giveaway! I encourage you all to check out his blog, Looking Closer. It’s full of great movie reviews, links, and other culture-related information.

Also? He’s sending Cyndere’s Midnight, the sequel to Auralia’s Colors, off to print, and it should be published in September!

My giveaway winner is a fantasy novice, interested in discovering new authors. Hopefully I had a hand in turning a new fan onto Jeffrey’s writing!

One thought on “One more about the bloggy giveaway…”

  1. Thanks so much, Jen, for hosting the giveaway.

    My congratulations to the winner!

    I’m finishing the second one as fast as I can, so we can do this all over again next year (if you like).

    Thanks so much for the enthusiasm, everyone. It’s encouraging!


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