Halloween 2007
When I asked Ruthie what she wanted to be for Halloween she said, and I know this will shock you, a princess. Then Thomas, who always wants whatever Ruthie gets, also said he wanted to be a princess. Obviously Bryan would not have a son wandering around the neighborhood dressed in drag, so we had to get creative. I found this great Knight’s costume in the role play isle at Target, and get this, it was only ten bucks! Not bad for a brand new costume.
And now he has something to wear around the house besides his pink purse and high heels.
That’s so sweet…my darling girl decided to be “The Flying Dutchman” from Spongebob…in case you’re wondering, he’s a soul-stealing ghost pirate – which is great for a pastor’s kid.
Thomas sure isn’t the only little guy who loves a pink purse and heels. My friend Natalia’s three-year-old has a pink handbag he carries everywhere. We are all giving her advice on how to deal with his future lifestyle choices.
Those are fantastic costumes!
What a sweet picture and the costumes are perfect! Look what I miss by not being in the same town with this family! I printed the picture out on photo paper and it’s wonderful – thanks for sending it, Jen!
Thanks Ruthie and Thomas for talking with me on the webcam tonight about the aquarium and about your middle name, Thomas – Gordon!!
Love from Gamma