Last Spring we bought a new patio set and fire pit for our deck. We opted to go with the ‘converstation’ style set, rather than a typical dining table and chairs because we wanted an outdoor living room feel. I have never regretting our decision, and the more we use the deck space, the more in love with it I become.
Again this evening we talked about walking to the park, but in the end decided to stay in our own yard. The kids played in the sandbox, Bryan read a book, and I did a little theraputic weeding, and it was divine.
More and more our yard is feeling like an oasis, and my vision for the space continues to grow. Just last Sunday I read an article in the Seattle Times’ Pacific Northwest Magazine about a garden makeover for small spaces, which happened to also be for a family with small children. I fell in love with the idea of a small brick path meandering through my yard for the kids to ride their bikes, and a playhouse built on stilts over our current play area, and a beautiful mosaic at the base of our front steps to welcome friends and strangers. Fun ideas to plan for and save money for.
Last year was such a bust for entertaining because Thomas was new and I was a mess of depressed hormones. It killed me to not be entertaining, as throwing parties is one of my most favorite things to do. But I kept reminding myself it was just a season, and soon our doors would be open again, and they are. Yipee! Here is a collage of photos from some of our fun times so far this summer. If you’re not in these photos yet, I hope you can join us soon!