A couple weeks ago I gave a short presentation on Lilipip at Tech Cafe (formerly Lunch 2.0), and I brought Ruthie along to the happy hour event because I wanted her to see see me in action.
After seeing my name tag, which said @jenzug above @lilipip, Ruthie wanted to alter her name tag to be just like mine.
Sometimes I take it for granted how much Ruthie wants to be like me. More than occasionally I’m impatient or irritated by it because it usually involves some time and effort on her part, and I don’t like to be slowed down.
It’s pure selfishness and ridiculousness on my part, because aside from Jesus who ELSE would I want her to be like?!
Bringing her along was an experiment, and one that ended successfully. Ruthie stood at the door and handed guests a name tag and pen as they arrived.
Occasionally she gave out hugs.
Having her with me felt like one of those important stolen moments when Life and Work converge, and I look forward to letting her tag along more often.
Beautiful. You are such a good Mama, Jen. Our yardstick shouldn’t be the perfect execution of things but that we can turn quickly, be willing to change, or sometimes just see it from our child’s perspective for a change. I am ABSOLUTELY preaching to myself š