Sometimes, when Ruthie wakes up too early, she’ll wander downstairs to find Bryan in his office and snuggle up on his plush, shag rug. She’ll get to hang out there with him as long as she’s quiet. Sometimes Bryan will call me to come get her, but other times, like this morning, he’ll bring her upstairs to me and she’ll go back to sleep in my bed.
At lunch time we all eat together, and after I put the kids down for a nap Bryan and I get some time to snuggle on the couch and read together before he goes back down to his office.
I often get frustrated with Bryan for his strict boundaries of time, because it means I don’t get to do some of the things I want to do, or projects take longer to complete. But other times, like today, I see the benefits of good boundaries, because it means I can count on spending an hour with him for lunch every day.
And that’s kinda nice.