This morning my friend came over to help me tackle the spare-room-turned-storage-closet off the kitchen. This was Bryan’s office while we built out his new space in the basement, and after he moved out it became THE place for dumping anything we didn’t know what to do with. Most of what we moved out today was displaced Christmas decorations and camping gear – only a small amount was tossed or donated.
We did this in about an hour and a half, with three kids to manage as well. It was really a time saver to have a friend help, because as I sorted, she made piles. Then when we decided to quit, she watched the kids while I hauled everything to its respective storage spot. I think we’re about half way through the sort and purge portion of the project.
Thanks for the purge inspiration. I took four bags of clothes to the bins and tried not to cry – I know, it’s a strange emotional attachment that I should seek therapy for…but, my closet looks so much cleaner and it does feel so good! Thanks again!