This weekend we have the kids from our babysitting co-op all night and all day tomorrow so our friends can get out of town. Which means we have five kids. Which means I’m making breakfast for five kids. Which means we’re taking five kids trick-or-treating at our neighborhood Halloween party. Did I mention these five kids were all under the age of five?
Without a doubt, I’ve been having a total blast so far!
Tonight we huddled around my tiny kitchen table while the kids watched me roll out sugar cookie dough between two sheets of wax paper. Then they watched me cut out cookies in the shape of bats and pumpkins. Then after baking, they watched me ice them all with orange cream cheese frosting.
A better person would have probably invited them all to decorate their own cookies however they wanted, with frosting and sprinkles, and such. But to be honest, that thought never crossed my mind until I sat down to write this post. At the time, they all seemed excitedly patient to eat their bats, and I was content to be in control of the mess and design.
But despite this, I’m very pleased with myself for providing such a fun activity (even if they did just watch), and for actually having fun doing it. I have no doubt that I am this close to full abdication of control during good times.
Breakfast for five…may I introduce you to a little something I call a ginormous box of Cheerios. You are a brave woman.