This is a working vacation for Bryan and I, so we’ve been swapping the kids back and forth every few hours so we can each check in on our projects.
Yesterday afternoon I sat in a comfy chair on the back patio looking at this view while I responded to all my emails from the day.
It was just starting to cool down after a 78 degree day.
Earlier in the day I’d sequestered myself in the camper for a conference call – a perfect mobile office.
I really love that we can work remotely. It’s the only thing that’s even come close to influencing me in the direction of homeschooling. If we weren’t tied down to the school system, we could go anywhere and do anything whenever we wanted.
Well, if we had money, that is. But you get my point.
But alas, I am neither qualified to teach children, nor am I patient enough. So we’ll see how it goes while we’re here.
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