I think I may have stumbled upon a revolutionary new tool to aid me in Getting Things Done. Recently my watch broke, and while I was in Minnesota I bought a new one at Target. Today I discovered that, among many other cool features, it has a TIMER function, which makes Ruthie’s Time-Outs so much more portable and spontaneous because I don’t have to march from room to room looking for where I last set the kitchen timer.
But ALSO, since I am the Queen of Distraction when it comes to staying on task, I set the timer for 15 minutes today while I raced around the living room picking up all the clutter from our return home yesterday. Then, since I was on such a roll, I set the timer for another 15 minutes and cleaned off the front porch which was beginning to look more like a storage closet than a welcoming extension of my house.
And now I am rewarding myself by taking a break to put my feet up and surf my blog reads… with my timer set.
It’s all very Flylady.
Speaking of blog reads, I fiddled a little with my template again. I figured out how to add my Bloglines feed list directly into the sidebar, so now you have complete access to the influences in my head. And whenever I update this list in my Bloglines account, it automatically updates the list you see in my side bar! I love html.
I thought it sounded very Flyladyish…love the concepts of hers, but have yet to really implement them. 🙂 Your watch sounds like something I need…just the timer aspect of it. Keeep flying.