I feel so recharged right now.
By the time Bryan gets home on Thursday nights I’m so exhausted from the week that I collapse into bed and nearly fall asleep before he does. (I say ‘nearly’ because I swear he’s half asleep by 9:30 regardless of where his physical body is located. Actually lying down is just a technicality.)
But on Friday mornings we all sleep in, Bryan makes us breakfast, and we get reconnected as a family. Fridays are becoming my most favorite, and cherished day.
This afternoon I had the added bonus of taking Thomas with me to run a few errands while Ruthie stayed home with Bryan. He’s an easy-going kid so I was able to browse through belts and car seats and craft supplies without feeling rushed or distracted. When we got home I felt energized and rested. It was good to get out.
Bryan’s travel schedule has in some ways been difficult on our family, but I am not nearly as overwhelmed as I thought I would be. Thursdays come quickly, and then the weekends seem endless. I think we’re finding that good balance between enjoying one another and Getting Things Done.
What I struggle with most is the selfishness I feel with my time. Since we no longer have stolen moments of snuggling or smooching or conversing or any other every-day thing, I sometimes want to draw the wagons in around my family during the weekend. But we have family, and events, and a tight community of friends, and we enjoy all of those things. I think over time, as his travel schedule loosens up and we continue getting into a groove, this will all work itself out.
I am completely in love with my husband, and I am so grateful for all the ways he loves me and cares for me.