Where have I been? I’ve been reading. And doing this. And doing that. I have many hobbies and only space for one at a time. That is where I’ve been.
Book Pile.
I finished About Grace for our book club on Monday (here at my house. Are you coming?). I liked it. I found it to not be as depressing as the last few books we’ve read, even though it was sad.
I started the book for my other book club, which I’m sadly realizing is probably too late to finish it in time for the discussion: The Satanic Verses, by Salman Rushdie. I’ve read the first couple chapters and his writing style is beautiful. Where does he find such beautiful word combinations in the English language? He writes of something falling from the sky, “making contact with the taut drum of the sea.†Yum. Yum. Yum. I’m loving it, but it’s a slow read.
It’s not your mother’s pill box.
I was at the vitamin store and saw this cool pill case for dividing out the insane dosages of my vitamins. This was an especially timely find since I had JUST been standing in front of my vitamin basket trying to remember if I had taken my vitamins already that morning. Sometimes there is no clear distinction between what I think about doing and what I actually do.
Two gay deaf men walk into a tropical bar in Tukwila and…
Bryan and I had drinks at Bahama Breeze Friday night sans kids and we flirted and had relaxing conversation. I’ve never had dinner there, but for drinks it is a little ray of tropical sunshine in a rainy city. We were entertained by people watching and made up opening lines to jokes to entertain ourselves.
And so on…
In short, life goes on in the Zug household, albeit more peaceful than ever. This mama seems to be getting a handle on her temper and her emotions, and it makes for a lovely home