I’ve always nuked my corn tortillas in the microwave using a tortilla steamer. I’m fully aware this is neither authentic nor mind blowingly good, but it sure is convenient.
Then we had dinner at my neighbor’s house.
Our neighbors are from Mexico, and they heat their tortillas up on a long pan that sits over two burners on their stove. They flip, and flip, and flip until they are soft, then keep them warm in a towel on a plate.
Tortillas were brought out from the kitchen throughout the dinner, and we filled them with homemade salsa and shredded meat from a whole chicken.
I was about ready to obsess over a search for one of these long pans when Bryan simply cleared off the stove (because any use of the stove requires it first being cleared of clutter) and dropped a few tortillas on the burners.
It’s a little more time consuming, but I will never go back to the microwave.
After spending some years deployed to central and south America, TJ likes to warm his tortillas the “real” way. The problem is, we now have a stove top with electric coil burners. It doesn’t stop him though. He puts the tortillas right on the burner and they get a little toasty in spots. I’m less than amused by this move, however. It leaves little bits of tortilla on the burners. I have to pick my battles though. Should I be upset about tortilla bits on the burners, or sweaty balled-up socks in the laundry?