This is the second week in a row that I intended to get back on the Monotonous Machine of Monotony and keep track of what I am eating. I had taken a brief hiatus for travel and general laziness, but declared a couple weekends ago that I needed to kick this ass back into gear again and get past this plateau.
Apparently what I meant was, I am going to eat cereal for every meal and sit in my chair reading a book.
For the crazy work-out girl I used to be, I’m not sure what to do with this lack of motivation. Honestly – and not to make ridiculous excuses – but I really miss my old gym, the one that shut down. I transfered over to the new facility, but I have yet to step foot in it, and I really can’t even muster up a little bit of desire to do so.
Lame. I know. Yell at me all you want. I will accept your scorn.
What’s worse, is that we actually have a Monotonous Machine of Monotony in our basement that Bryan uses every. single. day (that bastard), so it’s not even like I have any legitimate excuses what so ever. I have just been undisciplined.
And I am back to feeling sorry for myself for being this way, wishing I looked like this again, or even this, for crying out loud. And to see the date stamp on those posts go back a whole year…. It is discouraging to know that I have been complaining about my body for so long without matching my words with action.
In Recovery, we learned in step 5 to shut up and do something about it (that’s a paraphrase). So I think maybe that I might possibly see about the idea of trying to perhaps think about committing.
Well, I’m nothing if not realistic.
Isn’t it funny how this is the post no one seems to want to comment on? Well, I will…just to check in and see where you are in all of this. Getting into gear is so very much of the battle. You’ve got some good resources, and I am up for play walks rather than play dates…it would certainly help me in the workout department which I am very lacking in…think about it!
I was doing so well and then a weekend with the inlaws resulted in me eating everything not tied down in order to stay sane. I too must get back to the M3