Last weekend Bryan bought the Wicked soundtrack, so I took the opportunity to introduce Ruthie to the hairbrush-as-microphone concept. She picked it up VERY quickly, as you will see by the pictures below.
Though I am the mature age of 35, I can’t seem to listen to any of these songs without dramatic hand movements, or closing my eyes for dramatic effect (which, you see below, is something Ruthie has a natural for), or belting out the alto songs with great feeling. When it comes to swooping broadway musicals, I am very child like.
The funniest thing is that the song that keeps running through my head during the “off wicked” hours is the duet between Glinda and Elphaba when they discover they will be roommates in college. Because, you see, they are not fond of one another. If you were a spider on my wall, you would see me dancing about, singing, “LOATHING, UN-A-DUL-TERATED LOATHING – FOR YOUR FACE, YOUR VOICE, YOUR CLOTHING…” (and so on) which is not generally the sort of thing you want seeping into your child’s vocabulary.
But, if I have succeeded in giving her the tools necessary to imagine she is on a broadway stage, then I think my job here is done.
that’s awesome. Did you read the book? It was fantastic. I still have my copy if you haven’t. Such a good read! BTW, the guy we bought our beetle from was a clothing designer for Wicked. 🙂