works for me wednesday: the five ingredients or less edition

Remember the snack drawer idea I wrote about? It was a total bust. The kids would eat half of what was in their drawer, then whine and moan and complain that they didn’t want what was left, that they wanted something else.

When I realized the snack drawer was causing more drama than it was worth, I gave up on it. But still, with the “I’m hungry” all the time!

Recently I started having lunch every week with a friend, and we switch off watching each other’s kids for a few hours after. She often serves the kids a buffet style meal – a big platter with lots of veggies, hummus, fruit, and quesadilla triangles or PB&J squares. My kid love it, and I love it, so I adapted it to our snack routine.

Mid morning I may put out some fruit, cheese, and hard boiled eggs:

snack time

In the afternoon I put out mostly veggies, with a little hummus to dip into:


When friends come over I put out favorites, like grapes, carrots, and pretzels:

snack time

This has been a peaceful solution to the snack problem. If they don’t eat it all, I stick the plate in the refrigerator until they’re hungry again. And because these are healthy foods, they can eat as much as they want, and I don’t have to worry about them spoiling their appetite for the next meal.

Also? If they’ve had an entire snack of veggies, it makes me less pushy about eating a veggie at dinner. And THAT works for me.

Visit Rocks in my Dryer for other Works for Me Wednesday posts.

4 thoughts on “works for me wednesday: the five ingredients or less edition”

  1. Great idea! I’m going to borrow it. I’m always trying to come up with good snacks for Only Daughter and her friends. This may very well solve it. Thanks!

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